Carrying out the Activities

This examination gives you the opportunity to try out some of the methods that psychologists use to collect and analyse data.   You will be carrying out a questionnaire, an observation, comparing two conditions and analysing for a correlation.

These four activities should be recorded in your Practical Work Folder and when you sit the exam you should take the practical folder with you.   The folder will contain a description of your activities and about 40% of the marks available will be answerable from your notes in your Practical Work Folder.

Notes from each activity should be recorded in the Practical Work  Folder.   You can download a copy of the Practical Work Folder here. 

However, about 60% of the marks will be gained from information that is not in your folder.  You will be asked about issues relating to the research you have done.  Such as weaknesses of your research, how to overcome these, improvements, alternative methods and so on. 

You will also be asked about general issues relating to psychological research such as strengths and weaknesses of methods, ethical issues, reliability and validity etc.

Importantly these issues should not be recorded in your Practical Work Folder.    You can however record this information in the Evaluation Folder.   You can download an Evaluation Folder here.






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