Activity B

An Observation.

There are many ways of conducting this activity.  However it is recommended that you find something simple to observe and design a coding scheme.

It is important that you use a coding scheme which could for example be a tally system where you tick every time the behaviour on your coding scheme occurs.

It is also better if you observe something which is occurring naturally rather than manipulate behaviour as you may break ethical guidelines.

There is no need to do any sophisticated analysis for this activity.

Even though you will be carrying out a coding scheme you do need to be aware of other types of observation methods which relate to this activity.

You need to know some of the strengths and weaknesses of observation methods.  More on observation methods.

You need to know some of the strengths and weaknesses of coding schemes  More on coding schemes.

You need to know about the ethical issues of using observation methods. 

You need to know how the issues of reliability and validity relate to observation methods.  More on reliability and validity.






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