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Samuel and Bryant (Conservation)

Past exam short questions





From the study on conservation by Samuel & Bryant, outline the main differences between the children’s responses to the “one question condition”, compared to the “two question condition” (Piaget’s original design).   








Suggest one reason for this difference.










The study by Samuel & Bryant is usually described as a criticism of Piaget’s explanation of cognitive development.  However, the results also contain some support for Piaget.  From the results of the study,






Give one piece of evidence that challenges Piaget






Give one piece of evidence that supports Piaget.










From the study by Samuel & Bryant on conservation, identify two factors that increase the chance of a child giving the correct answer in the conservation experiments.  For each factor, explain why it increases the chance of a child giving a correct answer.          













How did Samuel and Bryant test for conservation in the children?







Suggest two factors that improved the performance of the child at the conservation tasks



Sample 2000









In the study by Samuel and Bryant on conservation, in the ‘one question condition’ children are asked a question about number, mass or volume, only after they have seen the substance changed in front of them.  Identify the other two conditions of this experiment








In addition to these conditions, two other factors affected the children’s ability to conserve.  Identify both of these factors



June 2001







The study by Samuel and Bryant looks at cognitive development.






Describe one way in which the results show cognitive development has taken place.






Suggest one problem that psychologists face when studying development



June 2001







Samuel And Bryant (conservation) raise doubts about the validity of the measures Piaget used to test the children's ability to conserve.






Describe one difference between the way Piaget tested conservation and the way Samuel and Bryant tested conservation.






Outline one way in which the validity of any measure can be tested.



May 2002








From Samuel and Bryant's study into conservation outline one finding which supports Piaget's theory of cognitive development.






(b) From the same study, outline one finding which challenges Piaget's theory of cognitive development.


January 2003


9 From the study by Samuel and Bryant on conservation:
(a) Briefly describe the standard (two question) procedure. [2]
(b) Suggest what can be learned from this procedure that is useful to psychologists when they interview children. [2]

January 2003


10 Outline two conclusions that can be drawn from the results of Samuel and Bryant's study on conservation.

May 2003


11 From Samuel and Bryant's study on conservation:
(a) give one piece of evidence that supports Piaget's claims about children's ability to conserve;
(b) give one piece of evidence that challenges Piaget's claims. [2]

January 2004



From the Samuel and Bryant study on conservation, outline one of the conservation tasks.


May 2004

14 Outline one finding about the children's ability to conserve in the study by Samuel and Bryant. [2]

May 2005

15 The study by Samuel and Bryant on conservation highlights a criticism of Piaget's original method of testing.  Outline this criticism.  



January 2006

16 In the study by Samuel and Bryant on conservation they used liquid, plasticine and counters in the conservation experiments.  Outline one effect these materials had on the number of errors children made  



May 2006

17 From the study by Samuel and Bryant on conservation:

(a) identify two of the independent variables;

(b) outline one way in which the study may not have been valid.





January 2007